Environmental Policy

Removals Expert Ltd is a is a registered waste carrier/broker/dealer with Environment Agency with the registration number CBDL29784. We are committed to minimise the environmental impact of our operations and we take all necessary steps to comply with environmental legislation and standards. We promote responsibility for the environment within the organisation and communicate and implement this policy at all levels within the workforce.

In practice this means :

  • We promote recycling or re-use of packing materials.
    Once unpacked we collect the boxes from customer to be used again or recycled free of charge if possible to do so.
  • We dispose of unusable waste in a safe manner that minimises any long-term environmental impact.
  • All of the cardboard we use is biodegradable; all of the polystyrene packaging we use is also biodegradable.
  • We ensure all company vehicles are designed and maintained to give the maximum fuel efficiency and minimum emissions.
  • We plan routes and vehicle loads to maximise efficiency and minimise the impact on the environment.
  • All our employees, suppliers and contractors work with us to prevent pollution and minimise the impact on the environment.
  • We recycle our office waste and turn off our computers at night to minimise our electricity consumption.
  • Top management is committed to continual improvement in environmental performance and the prevention of pollution; a self-evaluation of performance in implementing these principles and in complying with all applicable laws and regulations is carried out annually.
  • When Removals Expert, you can rest assured that we will do everything possible to minimise the environmental impact of your move.

Environment Agency Registration Number: CBDL29784
